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Thursday, March 29, 2007

though it is dumb, a new blog still needs an introduction of its WONDERFUL blogger like myself..=)

well, start from the basic, i know it would be quite boring but just bear with me ok?

my name is KAIHUI...

my birthday is 27 march, which is just few days ago...

i'm considered sociable but anti-social at times when i feel like stoning and dream...

i can be hot tempered at times, especially when dealing with STUBBORN people...

i'm revengeful most of the times,but when i'm not taking any revenge, i'm most probably being lazy and no energy to spare for such childish acts...

i love running and other sports, so i'm quite an active person...

and most of all, doinf anything under the sun with no watchful eyes on you...

finally, i know its toturesome, but to end off this introduction, let me tell you a joke(i'm so nice):
what did number zero said to number eight?
i bet you don't know the answer...
number zero said:"fat then fat lah...wear belt for what..."


posted by craziie girl @ 7:21 PM